Friday, January 30, 2015

Invoking the Other

Starting out to the far off
belief and bare foot hike,
hanging to a hint of rhythm
dropped in strands by Sakthi.

Guidance to a liberation-
a step out of the weak links
that binds to the web
of preservation and degradation.

Before the loosening trance
there is the view of a reflected white slope
along the vibrant green path;
a return anticipated - to warmth.

Inspiration from winged birth-givers,
still bleeding black from veins,
and a shower of heated counsel
built on a past of swelled up ignorance.

This deceptive acquiescence
shall transform to knowledge
on vitals of an inward gaze - 
an eternal awakening of Sakthi.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Loud Check of Colours

Slipped; not sure whether I fell.
Maybe I flew
into a loud check of colours.
A few grains ran deep roots,
something that revived at length
from diving into village pools
and dark cloudy, pregnant evenings.
From there till the red skies,
still hanging in the air-
only a modern cousin of childhood memories,
is what gets me lost in roots.
Yes, I went far
but pictures clear with a thrust now
like a sudden whiff of sun
seeping through young rubber tree leaves
that lines the path from home;
There, you can see the white roof from here.
The revolution and passion of the red sky
has moved in time
churning in the chaos of difference
as I started living in vibe and vibrance.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pain, Sorrow, Beauty

Lines from the most romantic poem
Is not how you remain in me.
It’s pain and sorrow that I remember.

Pain – when distant from an illusion
you would enter the room
to accompany the illness of my mind.
Thick cataract was closing in
before you were there
to promise a vision within reach -
a moment to witness the world real
before drowning to sleep.

Sorrow – when your red bindi turned to grey,
my jokes flying over your head.
I see the Halloween horrors of childhood
lit again in gloomy pumpkin figures.
I could see, how it resounded -
your wails, echoing through the corridors,
laughter to all but few.
I had borrowed that dark tunnel
where wheezing unborn children screamed
in the agony of unrequited love.

No, my lines refuse to profess love,
they elope from those stupid fantasies
because there’s sorrow and pain.
And there’s beauty to it.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Present Dissonance

Among the dissonance of the city,
busy selling myself to it,
never was there an evening
spend looking at little intricacies
of those honeybees,
their lack of tire
in their daily trade,
moving from the yellow flower to the red,
fixing deals on the nectar of life.
I wish I could capture this moment
but I’m not here anymore,
to wait; to watch; to learn.
Life has gone from bees to mosquitoes-
from suckling to blood sucking
and an unrest.

I wish I could write poetry. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Here, leaning on a wall of hope
the life rushes back in a blurry vision.

Outside the eve is full of life
but my aesthetics are inert,
lying dormant, deep inside,
waiting to burst into dread.
There, in sun’s golden spray
a bird seems too occupied
collecting fresh straw.
I see his prophetic smile;
his newborn son’s homecoming.

An old black and white picture
bursts over my drooping eyes -
a home built on hard work
and that he cemented in love.
A kiss to his son’s forehead,
the Joyous warmth of welcome
never spoilt by drunken joy -
the heritage I claim as mine.

The throes of waiting
for even a single strand of hope.
I’m the father now
listening to your last cries - “Home”.
Gazing down into those half-closed yellow eyes
I wished to be dumb.
Biting down, I touched water upon your lips
which was dry for mother’s breast.

Home is far, he knows,
tears too, I know,
but, I promise you, we’ll sleep once there.
Spine-freeze, even after I’m home,
watching you come in tranquility
of respect and an equanimity.

Broken and wedged between
two big shards of a short life. Me.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Life Fragments

Travelling with life,
Circus of Deja-vu flashing,
Moments saved in remembrance
Of the smiling mirror image,
Time frozen in an album of memories.
The barely awake graphic pictures-
The machine world’s gift to me,
Add to the happy vibe, and music,
Capturing past-fragments in the notes.
They merge to form a life size portrait.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Whores of Beauty

The lift when my travel bag is packed,
The heart thumbs and tries to prophecy
About those distant whores of beauty
Who often seduce my life drive.
Innocent fears slowly drown
In the joy of the takeoff,
Wider perspectives perch themselves nearer;
With each gaze, and gust of the wind,
That lifts the hair off my face,
Disillusioned colours of life
Clear up into newer shades.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Alienating the past

My conscience holds me to the ground
Threatening to step on my ‘thought pipe’,
Breaking apart I manage to look around;
Found a thug who spilt blood
And another who cut down trees.
I had departed, but acceptance was hard;
My pen with a broken nib,
The fire break I had cut
Across my imaginative wildfire,
Whole of my beautiful perception
That was sodden and covered in snow.
A scream escaped from the alienation,
I couldn't remember the last time I screamed,
It reverberates around me
The world and its naivety cover its face
And I breathe again,
Wait! There; life is circling back.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Crystal memories

My love and sadness drone, and then drown
in the glass of red wine I hold.
Thorns of past are driven deeper into flesh,
it festers; turns yellow.
My child tries to get up a third time,
I thought I couldn't wait to see another fall.
In my wait I slowly start dreaming of a chaotic river,
it’s rhythm carrying my repressed wishes,
sloping down the narrow bend and disappearing.
It took two firestorms
to burn down my conceptual home,
I still carry the corner stone
and some crystallized memories,
I’ll carry them till age murders my youth
then I’ll rest my head on the lap of the survivor
and try to sink into myself the past we survived. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The painter

He paints; over and over
the perception his colours brightened
day in and day out.
Empty bottles in a rainbow trail,
it appears a naughty child’s playroom,
till the canvas thickened
with the blending of his lonely ways
and life juice of unknown faces.
The expressions of their life
rode through his face
as he sketched, rather as he etched,
each thread with his brush strokes,
joyous lightning flashing his fuller eyes.

Here’s another picture -
he slides down the wall
all thoughts gone astray,
the same eyes, so vacant,
like a distant lighthouse
watching ships wrecking themselves under darkened skies;
his figure drowning in shock as he pictured
the obtrusive end of his temporal hero.
He could only paint their lives
on canvases with colours overlapping.

Those tranquil moments now past
he watches, content,
with a cup of steaming coffee beside him.
His face mirrors the thought,
so lost in the world he perceived,
that he loaded the canvas with
until the realness of the world he so carved
branded his portrayal -
“That’s what they call art”- and a smirk.